Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine´s Day

On February 14th, we celebrated Valentine´s day with the students of 5th A. In the USA, everyone can celebrate Valentine's Day, in order to tell loved ones you care about them: friends, family, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc. When I was growing up, in elementary school we would make Valentines for everyone in our class. We would also eat these candy hearts with messages on them, like you see in the picture.

So, yesterday in class we made Valentines and wrote a poem in English. This is how we structured the poem:
1st line: noun or name
2nd line: 2 adjectives to describe the noun
3rd line: 3 verbs ending in -ing, that describe what the noun does
4th line: A Valentine´s expression!

For example, we first wrote a Valentine together for Justin Bieber, the famous singer!

It went like this:

Proud, Cute
Singing, Dancing, Loving
Call me!

Here are some Valentines made my your fellow students. They are very lovely. Finally, below you can see the display of Valentines next to our Thanksgiving Turkeys. Teacher Maria Jose is looking at them!

Happy Valentine´s Day everyone! I will leave you with some common expressions we use on Valentine´s Day for our loved ones. Post below the meaning in Spanish!
1) I love you
2) Be mine
3) I miss you
4) You are sweet
5) You make me happy

That´s all for now folks. See you next time!

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