Friday, January 14, 2011

Apple Crumble Recipe

Happy Friday to all. Here is an American recipe I would like to share with you. It's easy to make AND delicious!

Words to know before you begin:
add: añadir flour: harina
apple: manzana ice cream: helado
bake: hornear juice: zumo
brown sugar: azucar moreno mix with your fingers: mescla con los dedos
butter: mantequilla oven dish: cazuela
cinnamon: canela peel: pelar
cook: cocer put: poner
cut: cortar tablespoon: cuchara de servir

  • 1 kg apples
  • 2 tablespoons orange juice
  • 60 g brown sugar
  • cinnamon
For the crumble:
  • 90 g butter
  • 180 g flour
  • 60 g brown sugar
  1. Peel* and cut* the apples. Add* the orange juice, sugar and cinnamon.
  2. Cook* for 15 minutes
  3. For the crumble: Mix* the butter and flour with your fingers*. *Add the sugar.
  4. Put* the apples into an oven dish. Cover* with the crumble.
  5. Bake* for 40 minutes. Serve with vanilla icecream!

Good luck everyone! Tell us how it goes!

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